2011 Business Growth Strategies Part 1: Think Different
This week is the first week of a brand-new year. We all have resolutions and revelations about our personal selves and our businesses.
My question is, "Are those resolutions based on our past, and gravity, or on our future and a path to growth?"
This week I'm sharing some easy, straightforward things you can do to check your gravity and shift 100% into growth mode - right now, in time for a big impact in 2011.
Today - I want to talk about thinking differently.
Thinking differently is a big deal in today's "new economy" and a key factor in powering 2011 success.
Why? Because the negative news, the down economy, the fear that permeates our world create limitations in our thinking. It's time to let those limitations go.
2010 was a tough year with lots of negative news. But 2010 also had significant successes. For many businesses. We just don't hear about those because success doesn't sell newspapers or media.
Success is all around us. Just look here, at the Zero Gravity businesses I've profiled in 2010. I have at least 100 more small businesses to profile and more appear on my radar every day.
Zero Gravity business leaders all share one key behavior.
They know how to think differently. They question the limitations of the past, they seek new opportunities in the present and they constantly shift their perspectives to stay in sync with their dynamic markets. They constantly ask "Why?" or "Why not?" depending on their circumstances. They push the envelope of the status quo, forget the past and break out into the ways of thinking and doing.
My question for you is, are you focused on the excitement of a new opportunity that comes with the new year? Or are you focused on the negative - defending and protecting against the tough times in your business (and personal) past?
2010 is behind you - it's behind all of us. So let it go. While you're at it, let go of 2009 and 2008 too. Focusing on what's behind you will not help your business succeed in 2011, anymore than a pilot focusing on what happened 300 miles back will help him fly the plane right now.
What matters today is today - and the future. Yes, we can bring forward the lessons learned that are VALUABLE. But we can also let the rest go. Dragging along woe is me, negative vibes doesn't help anything. It does prevent you from seeing your future clearly.
2011 is a new year. We can think about it, and live it, as we choose.
We can choose to see it as a continuation of the same challenges and problems from 2010. Or we can choose to see 2011 as a year filled with new opportunity.
We can choose to continue to do things the way we've always done them, and wonder why it's not working. Or we can shift our perspectives, see our business through fresh eyes - and find new ways of thinking and doing.
We can choose to hang on to what's comfortable - even if it is negative. Or we can step up to challenge our comfort zone with new ideas, critical perspectives and brave new approaches.
What do you choose for 2011?
Rebel Brown consistently challenges the status quo whether it be in her personal life, or to deliver optimum solutions and high velocity growth for her clients and readers. She combines the lessons learned from over 20 years as a global Corporate Strategy, Launch and Turnaround Expert, along with the strategic expertise, tactical savvy, leadership and motivational skills needed to get the job done.
Check out Rebel's new business book, Defy Gravity, where she shares proven strategies and tactics for growing your business even in a down economy.